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Ngā KarereNews

Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri Iwi Trust

September 22nd, 2021

Ngāti Mutunga Builds Office & Museum Facility

The Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri Asset Holding Company has negotiated to build and own the new facility building in Waitangi.

At the start

Through the great work of the Asset Holding Company, who negotiated to build and own the new Civic office building in Waitangi, the iwi will own an amazing asset that will be leased back to the Chatham Islands Council (CIC) on a 30 year term. Originally the Chatham Islands Enterprise Trust was also intending to take up tenancy but have since opted not to do so. In addition to the Civic offices, the Chatham Islands museum is also included in the development. The museum is being funded by way of government and other external grants to then be owned and operated by the Chatham Islands Cultural & Heritage Charitable Trust.

Quarter way through

The site (next to the current council building) was blessed in November 2020 and construction got immediately underway. Apollo Projects have been contracted to complete the construction which, to date, has progressed smoothly with minimal programme delays level 4 lockdown notwithstanding. It has been a well managed and delivered project and speaks again to the great service we receive from our Asset managers.

Almost there

Developing and owning an infrastructure type property asset such as this, tenanted by local government with a large component of central government backed funding, is a high quality investment for our Iwi. We look forward to sharing this new investment with our wider whānau and Wharekauri community. It is a sound, consistent investment that sees our tribal footprint extend over Wharekauri. Keep checking in for further updates

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